Do you find it difficult to speak fluent English? Do you feel like you are hitting a wall in learning the language? It's time to bust some common myths hindering your progress! This article will lightheartedly look at five of the most persistent English fluency myths. To the point that it's too hard, we debunk these misconceptions and give you the tools you need to break them down. So let's get started, and get ready to boost your English skills!
Your age
This is just an excuse. Scientists once believed it was harder for them to learn as they aged. And not just the English language, but everything – math, science, even adopting new hobbies like knitting or playing the piano.
That’s a pretty dismal diagnosis. The standard scientific thought states that your brain cells cere receptive to learning until age. At this age, the body stops making new cells. If you could learn anything new, it would be more challenging and take longer. The scientists warned you it would be uphill for whatever you wanted to know.
The lesson people took from this proclamation? You were out of luck if you didn’t learn a language when you were younger. You weren’t about to understand it as an older individual. If you did manage it, you’d be struggling every step of the way.
Scientists have discovered that proclamation – taken as a law for so long – is not in the least bit true. You need to know right now that your age doesn’t limit your ability to speak English fluently. It’s more likely you believe your age is a limiting factor that keeps you from learning. Once you overcome this mindset, you’ll discover that English isn’t as difficult to speak as you thought – and before you know it, you’ve unlocked the secret that has prevented you from going any further. It’s time to stop blaming your age for that plateau you’ve reached to learn and start using the English language more. With the suggestions presented throughout the rest of this blog, you’ll discover that it’s easier than you once believed.
Fear of making mistakes
Many individuals need to speak Spoken English more often. Why? Simply because they’re afraid of making mistakes. But worse than that, they believe that someone will hear them make these mistakes and laugh at them. The thought of making a mistake when speaking English shouldn’t inhibit you or limit your talking in any way. It should do the opposite – spur you to say it all the more.
Deep down, you already know what I will tell you: mistakes are your friends. Making mistakes while speaking is the best way to learn English and other languages.
Everyone learning a language makes some mistakes when they start. They made more than their fair share of blunders if the truth is known. Even native speakers don’t speak perfect English. Listen closely to some native speakers, and you’ll see exactly what I mean. What if I told you to accept these mistakes without fear? Would you think I was insane? Well, that’s precisely what you should be doing – speaking more and making more mistakes. That’s because the more mistakes you make, the faster you learn.
Let me tell you a story about two individuals, both learning English. Both spoke about the same language level. They could read and comprehend English well and generally had a good grasp of speaking it. Both wanted to go beyond where they were and reach the next fluency level. But one student feared speaking it, not only in her daily life but also in the classroom. She would never volunteer in class, and when called upon, she would barely speak up. When she did answer, she used as few words as possible. The instructor continually asked her to expand on her answers.
The other student, coincidentally, was in the same classroom and took every opportunity to speak English. He was the student, always the first to volunteer to answer in English. Instead of just responding with a short phrase or a one-word answer, he would make sure he’d elaborate more – sometimes more than he needed to. The point is that he took every opportunity in class to speak English. In addition, I tried to use the language as much as possible outside the classroom. He made a concert to associate with people who spoke English and made it a point to speak up in conversations even. If someone corrected his English, he thanked them. He would explain that he was still learning and appreciated the corrections.
You could tell instantly that the first student shied from talking because she feared making mistakes. She believed every word that came from her mouth had to be perfect. The second student, though, approached his learning not only as a positive activity but as something fun. Making mistakes didn’t bother him.
Who spoke English faster and more fluently? Don’t let fear of making mistakes – either in class or in public – hold you back from speaking the language. We’ve all made mistakes – whether we’re learning a language, math, or any other subject. Mistakes are the foundation of any learning.
Check this out Unveiling the Mystery of Contractions in the English Language
You can’t remember all the rules of grammar.
Wow! Don’t let this hold you back. No one, not even native speakers, can remember all the grammar rules. Few speakers even try to follow all the rules. This includes native English speakers. If you took the time to review all the grammar that went into speaking a sentence before you spoke it, you’d never utter another English sentence.
Instead, place your faith in your vocabulary, especially in listening to others. And if you make it a point to speak English, stop holding yourself to some impossible standard; you’ll never enjoy the language. Believe it or not, learning a new language is fun – fun.
Don't worry about perfect grammar. Instead, spend time building your vocabulary, learning new words, and using them in conversations as much as possible. Speak English every chance you get – whether you’re clear about the grammar involved in the sentences you use or not.
This blog is all about speaking the English language fluently. It’s not about learning grammar. It’s about using the language. Let’s say you’re in a group and want to say you ate an apple yesterday. If your grammar is shaky, you may say, “I yesterday apple eat.”
Don’t worry about making a fool of yourself. A native speaker may correct you and tell you the sentence is structured like this: “I ate an apple yesterday.” Poof! You’ve learned to speak the language a little better by speaking up. And now you have a pattern for speaking a sentence like that.
You’ve learned first how to pattern a sentence in the past tense. You’ve also known that the past tense of eating is “ate.” You’ve broken through to the next level in that small, insignificant mistake. And the best part is that you didn’t have to struggle over grammar rules. All in all, you probably now feel better about yourself, not only for speaking up but for actually learning how to use English grammar simultaneously. Imagine how quickly you can improve your grammar without thinking about it just By speaking a few sentences. Imagine what would happen if you spoke even more. Instead of holding yourself up in your house and studying the dizzying array of grammar rules before you speak, get together with English speakers – native speakers and students like yourself – and use the vocabulary you’ve already learned.
You need to travel to be able to speak English fluently.
You don’t need to travel anywhere to improve your speech. Many people have learned the English language without going very far from home. If you’re already living in the United States, that’s not so much an issue, anyway. But if you’re living outside an English-speaking country and learning the language to visit such a country soon, you may view learning English as a hopeless pursuit. You may also be re-assessing why you’re even bothering to learn the language.
Don’t start second-guessing yourself. You can learn the language from wherever you are, even if you don’t have access to what you think you need. Have access to a computer? Then you already know how many video clips are on the web in English. Listen to these, and repeat what these speakers say and how they say it. Imagine how much you can learn with just a little effort.
If you must stop the video and repeat what they’ve said, then double-check yourself. There are plenty of ways of learning English – and as long as you’re learning, there is no wrong way. The key here is to focus on learning it using a method that’s available for you. Instead of mourning that you can’t travel or know anyone who speaks the language, search the internet and find an English-speaking site. You may even discover a place that teaches you English. There are certainly plenty out there.
There are no other people around me speaking English.
This results from the “I can’t travel to an English-speaking country” myth. While it certainly would be easier to know individuals who could speak English, it’s not essential – regardless of what you’ve heard. With a computer keyboard at your fingertips and the internet, it doesn’t matter whether you live with or next door to English speakers or not. You can find someone who speaks English with less effort than you’d ever imagine. Not only that, I’m betting that you’ll also discover students of English – just like yourself – who are looking for others who speak at their level of fluency. Imagine how much you all could help each other. Imagine how much you can learn with just a little effort. These are the five most common complaints people use to block their excelling at speaking English like a native. How many of these apply to you?
In conclusion, many myths and misconceptions exist about achieving fluency in English. Whether you think you need the perfect accent or that learning English is too difficult, these myths can keep you from reaching your full potential. But with the right approach and a willingness to challenge these myths, anyone can improve their English skills and become a confident communicator. Remember to focus on your progress and practice regularly, and don't let these myths hinder your language learning journey. You can achieve your goals and become fluent in English with dedication and perseverance!
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